This is a first person shooter game that can be played as singleplayer or multiplayer
the game have many features like blockable melee combat, spells , configable character
unique attribute of cosmetics , etc and there are game modes and maps for playing.
However, the game is still in development and there are not much of features and
items and will be added in a future also developer will add more maps , game modes and
even new features that depending on supporter for developer.
This game was made by a single developer that has been developing for 3 years
without full time job but only the work for hires.
You can survey for information from buttons at top of page that helping you for
your gameplay.
The game once will be availabled at the steam store but for patch 0.0.1 as early access and developer will keep to update other contents untill it has all contents followed
by list of early access game conttents and will release as a full game on store and will
keep to update for a future.
Following for contents that are upcoming for an update by
-Add 10 more melee and ranged equipments
-Add new type of melee : Two-Handed Melee
-Add 10 more deftnesses
-Add 15 more cosmetics
-Add new types of ranged : Assault , Rifle , Revolver and Launcher
-Add 2 more PvP maps and 1 PvP mode
-Add multiplayer gameplay
-Add character creating system along with class system and class perks
-Add co-op game mode
-Add evasive game mechanic
-Add infliction game mechanic (like burn,shock,freeze,bleed,etc)
-Add headshot game mechanic
-Add climbing ladder game mechanic
-Add swiming game mechanic
-Add door and lockpicking game mechanic